Commercial Wastewater

bargrill large

Bar & Grill

By WEXCOenviro | February 5, 2013

Issue: A lakeside bar and grill is served by an onsite sewage treatment system. The drain field mound is ponded and will soon create a surface discharge if not repaired. Space is restricted and the owner wants to avoid a replacement drain field mound. Design flow is 1,177 GPD, tanks include three 1,500-gallon septic tanks.…

freeway large

Major Freeway Truck Stop

By WEXCOenviro | February 5, 2013

Issue: A truck stop is changing ownership, and the existing onsite sewage treatment system is noncompliant. The truck stop includes a full-service restaurant, convenience store and shower facilities. A major chain submarine shop will also be added. The onsite system includes 26,000 gallons in treatment tank capacity, a recirculating gravel filter and 16 septic mounds…


Bacterial Treatment

By WEXCOenviro | July 15, 2011

Issue: A Fortune 500 company has regular waste strength exceedances at one of its food processing facilities. Action: The high levels are traced to a grease trap. Treatment with bacterial additive produces four consecutive quarters of compliance and is now included as standard procedure.

four star

Four Star Restaurant

By WEXCOenviro | July 15, 2011

Overview:  A Four Star restaurant has a nearly new septic system headed for premature failure due to excessive influent waste strength.  They also struggle with odor problems. Solution:  Additional grease trap capacity and VBT aeration are installed ahead of the existing recirculating gravel filter.  Odor issues are resolved immediately and compliance limits are met.  …

dinner resaurant

Dinner Restaurant

By WEXCOenviro | July 15, 2011

Overview:  A northern Wisconsin dinner restaurant has a failed septic system. Another contractor proposes a treatment technology to handle their high strength discharge that makes the project unaffordable. Solution:  VBT aeration is installed at approximately ¼ the cost of the previously proposed technology and effluent compliance limits are met.            …