Erosion Control
Erosion Control – Western MN
Issue: A sewer system update for a cooperative association in western Minnesota required multiple erosion control techniques. The project took place on over a half mile of rolling lakeshore, and within 10 feet of a stream and wetland that enter the lake. Action: Disturbed areas were hydroseeded with Type IV wood fiber mulch…
Erosion Control – East Central MN
Issue: A small Minnesota town was updating its sewer system. The site had severe slopes, and construction work took place adjacent to paved roads. Action: Heavy duty silt fence was installed downslope of disturbed areas. Inlet protection was installed in the storm drains to prevent sediment from entering the storm sewer system. The area was…
Geocell Shoreline Stabilization
Issue: Loose shifting sand makes access to this beach difficult, and winter dock removal destabilizes the lake bank. Action: Installing geocell pervious stabilization halts erosion, allows for infiltration to clean runoff before it reaches the lake, and creates secure footing for beach access.
Erosion Control – Central MN
Issue: A small town in west central Minnesota is constructing a new wastewater treatment facility and collection system throughout the town. The Crow River runs through the town, making erosion control a priority during construction. Action: Standard temporary erosion control techniques such as silt fence, ditch checks, and rapid stabilization are used to minimize the…
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Raingarden Design
Raingardens are an effective way for homeowners to treat and infiltrate stormwater or surface water runoff during rain events. Designing ...