Agricultural Solutions
Agricultural manure lagoon management
Agricultural producers often deal with a mixed set of wastewater treatment challenges including odor control, solids removal, mixing to aid pumping, land application rates of wasted sludge, cold weather treatment, and high electrical expense for treatment. WEXCO Environmental offers economical solutions.
- Retrofit options for existing facilities
- Economical odor reduction
- Hydrogen sulfide reduction
- Increased oxygen transfer and aerobic efficiency
- Sludge reduction
- Sludge liquefication
- Enhanced BOD/COD/TSS reduction
- Rent or lease program
- Pretreatment for seasonal or peak times
- Aeration equipment View our product line
- Bacterial treatment product sales
- Design and engineering
- Product and equipment installation
- Maintenance and repairs
- Startup and maintenance training
- Technical support
- Pilot studies to verify efficacy
- Temporary or emergency treatment equipment
- Hydrogen sulfide reduction
- Lagoons
- Pond systems
- Oxidation ditches
- Activated sludge
- Extended aeration facilities
- Wastewater treatment plants
- Extended aeration facilities
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Raingarden Design
Raingardens are an effective way for homeowners to treat and infiltrate stormwater or surface water runoff during rain events. Designing ...